Sunday, October 2, 2011

Gigi again!

This Gigi isn't quite as small as the other one - she weighs 35 # and is just a medium sized girl.

She fits the bill for that famous song in other ways too -

Thank heaven for little girls
they grow up in the most delightful way!

Those little eyes so helpless and appealing
one day will flash and send you crashin' thru the ceilin'

Gigi loves people - everyone she meets, children and adults, are going to be lucky enough to be considered her friend.

Gigi was returned to Pet Haven when her owner lost her home due to foreclosure. The economy is tough for people and pets alike, but Gigi had some back-up insurance - Pet Haven.

She has wonderful house manners and can be left uncrated all day while you are at work. She will greet you with a smile, her cute little shuffle dance and a 'woof' and be happy to hear all about your day.

Do you need to get outside to relax a little? Gigi loves to go for walks. She's living with 3 adults right now so she has plenty of walking partners which keeps her active and happy.

Gigi is 10 yrs. old but acts like a 2 yr. old. She's full of loving and snuggling and general hanging out time.

Gigi is an American Staffordshire Terrier and an excellent example of her breed - mellow, happy, people friendly and a love.

What kind of family would Gigi choose for herself?

One who will give her lots of belly rubs and time for hugs and kisses.

One who will take her for walks so both of you can de-stress from your day.

One who enjoys showing off their dog when guests come over - Gigi loves to meet new people.

One who wishes to provide a home for a mature girl - not all of us can adopt a companion who will live for 15 years or more. Some of us are at a time in our lives when having that most loved pet for 4+ years seems just right for our life plans.

Who would be happier? Gigi? or you?

Gigi will be a star on TCL (Twin Cities Live) on Monday afternoon, Oct. 3, 2011 between 3 and 4 p.m. Catch it live! Check her out on line! She'll be promoting all of our adoptable dogs and cats and the Fall Benefit!

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