Sunday, June 27, 2010

In Memory of Jackson (formerly Jazz)

We recently received some sad news from a Pet Haven adopter who adopted Jackson/Jazz from us in 1996. It is always hard to lose a family member. We at Pet Haven, though, are extremely grateful for the second chance these beautiful creatures are given by our adoptive families. Thank you for loving Jackson and for giving him a wonderful life.

"Dear Pet Haven,

I am so sad to inform you of Jackson's passing. Jackson (formerly Jazz), adopted from Pet Haven in the spring of 1996, died on March 13th.

Jack was such a fantastic dog and he is much missed. I am so grateful to Pet Haven. The photo on the left was taken about 5 years ago at the Minnehaha Dog Park and is of Jackson enjoying the winter. The second photo was taken the day before he died -- he was sleeping in his home in Minneapolis. 

Thank you so much, Genevieve."

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