This is a photo of Creek when he came into Red Lake Rosie's Rescue last fall. He had a big shoulder wound that had to be stitched up. Karen took good care of him until Pet Haven could transport him to the cities. Creek had many trials and tribulations here but finally found the perfect forever home. Here he is now and what his family had to say:

"Creek is doing fabulous. We are slowly but surely letting the cats & Creek sniff each other and get treats when they don't growl. It is pretty cute. Sometimes they approach each other when the other one isn't really paying attention, sometimes there is a little growl sometimes not. The sometimes not is really exciting!!! The birds are still in Jared's room. I think that one just might be too hard right now. Small steps, he is of course a bird dog. Wow when he hears them he has target fixation!! We are getting a pretty good routine going. It seems like he is really feeling like part of the family. Sometimes he would rather just get his food from the toy then his dish. Way more fun. He really likes car & truck rides. We have taken him to the park, he is doing pretty good by other dogs too. I think he is happy, I know we are! Thank you again for bringing Creek into our lives. He is very lovey & fits right in!!"
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