Phoebe was adopted from Pet Haven in November, 2006. She is now a member of a family of dad Scott and two rat terrier siblings, Lucy and Tucker ... could a girl ask for any more?? From the photo on the left there is no doubt that this is one happy family!!
We recently got an update from Phoebe's dad and had to share his wonderful note:
"Dear Pet Haven,
I wanted to thank you and give you an update on Phoebe. I adopted Phoebe through Pet Haven on Wednesday November 22, 2006. I started looking on Pet Finder in October ‘06 for a rat terrier. Not too far into my search I came across Phoebe’s picture and fell in love. I then went to Pet Haven’s website and Phoebe was the featured pet of the week…I was thinking she would have a lot of interest and I probably wouldn’t have a chance. I kept thinking positive thoughts, if it is meant to be it will happen. I went through the application process and I was right, she had 3-5 inquires before mine and was already set up for a meet and greet.
That didn’t work out, so in the mean time I had been in contact a few times with Phoebe’s foster mom Kendall. She had such a loving and caring foster family. We are still in contact and Phoebe sends a Christmas photo card to her foster family every year. So you figured out what happened. My best friend’s wife Tristan and I and one of their rat terrier’s Vinny went to meet Phoebe and to sign the adoption papers if all went well…which it did. Lola is Vinny’s sister and the one that started my love for the rat terrier breed. Phoebe has a rescued brother, Tucker (4) and rescued sister Lucy (4) that joined our family the summer of 2007. Phoebe turned 5 years young on June 18th, 2010."
Click here to read the rest of the story and to learn more about how Phoebe saves the day!!
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13 years ago
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