Friday, November 27, 2009

Vote for Pet Haven!

What is Chase Community Giving?

Chase Community Giving is a program run by Chase that will allow Facebook users to vote for local charities and non-profits, and help direct Chase corporate philanthropy dollars to eligible organizations in the following focus areas: education, healthcare, housing, the environment, combating hunger, arts and culture, human services, and animal welfare. The grassroots campaign aims to inspire a new way of corporate philanthropy.

The eligible charity receiving the most votes will be awarded $1 million, the top five runners-up will receive $100,000 each and the 100 finalists, including the top winners, will be awarded $25,000 each. Additionally, a special Advisory Board led by prominent national philanthropists will allocate $1 million to the nominated charities of its choice.

In order to vote you do need to have an account on Facebook! If you aren't already on facebook we encourage you to sign up and join the I support Pet Haven Facebook group AND take a second to vote for Pet Haven for the Chase Community Giving program.

Voting for Round 1 ends on December 11, 2009 so vote now and help us spread the word!

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